January is notoriously a challenging time in the retail world. Post-Christmas, consumers tighten their belts and may be focusing on saving or new year goals. Leaving them less likely to spend in store. But it’s not all doom and gloom, this doesn’t mean they won’t buy, only that your job in promoting to them is… Read more »
Posts Tagged: retail branding
Do you need to discount? Retail promotions without moving on margins
How better retail branding leads to increased loyalty and sales in the retail market Everyone loves a great offer – it’s inevitable that if you see a good price on an item or product that is out of the ordinary, you would take a look and consider a purchase. But what happens afterwards? Post purchase… Read more »
Promotional Strategies For Retail Stores
We are sure you read the recent article that outdoor retailer REI are making a stand and going against popular trend and closing on Thanksgiving and Black Friday. Their reasoning? They want to encourage the family to spend more time together and less time out shopping on national holidays. But what do you think of… Read more »
Giving National Restaurants the local touch!
AGRetail have been delivering retail graphics and retail design solutions for retailers throughout the U.S. for many years and have gained a great reputation as offering a professional service. Known for our commitment to producing high quality retail graphics, we were approached by design firm, EC Photographics, to help produce custom wall coverings for both… Read more »
Knowing your audience – Increasing retail sales through customer insight
Targeting may sound like marketing jargon to those who aren’t concerned with the strategic side of pitching brands and campaigns but without realising it, it’s likely you are doing this without even thinking every day. You’ve seen a customer in your store – you notice they are in the children’s footwear section with a younger… Read more »